Mike Sakarias    


I began working as an occasional sound engineer in 1988, learning on the job at everything from coffeehouse concerts to 1200-seat venues and by asking questions of visiting sound engineers.

I was a recordist for several Boston Productions jobs in Juneau, Alaska, including the film “Seeing Daylight,” a movie about Tlingit native culture, which is shown during the tourist season at the top of the Mount Roberts Tram run in Juneau.

From 1990 to the present, I have done audio engineering for KTOO TV. This involves studio as well as location work, including house sound and TV/web feeds for Sealaska annual meetings and for “Celebration,” the biennial Pacific Northwest Native event held in Juneau.

Current festival work:

Some highlight concerts:

recording in the M/V Malaspina’s FRB
(Fast Rescue Boat)

listening in a Southeast Alaska Forest

on the air in Juneau

the FRB in context